Saturday, November 10, 2012

Prions!! This latest evidence is disturbing.

 This latest news report about organic beef tongues being recalled is quite disturbing. Prions can not die
by washing or cooking the meat they contaminate. If prions do have a chance of existing in the food system
then we should be testing every animal to make certain they do not reach mouths. If they exist in the tonsils of the cow then where else do they exist? The heart? The liver? The blood?

 Let's learn more by educating ourselves and getting the proper testing into the food system thereby eradicating the potential for this disease.

Prions in Organic Meat? Why not test every animal that enters the food system? Wouldn't that create jobs?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

How to detox aluminum and why it’s necessary

Here's some comedy for ya.

Five foods you would never eat if you really knew what they were

Origins of Medicine, from an Egyptian perspective.

Haven't tried this, maybe someday I'll be able to legally in Wisconsin, let's get with the program people.

One more reason Wisonsin.

Another state on board, nice job Connecticut, come on Wisconsin!

The TRUTH finally comes out, Thank You Science once again.

So have a Gingerberry Kombucha!

Hold on to thise organs folks, there may be a new way to halt cancer.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Omega 3's

More important than omega 6 fatty acids are omega 3 fatty acids. The best vegan source, flax seed. This little
seed ground up into a fine smoothie additive can pack a whopping 2300 mg of omega 3's. I am reading a book right now called The Omega Diet, even though it isn't a raw foodist book, I figured I would give it a look since it was only 2 dollars at the thrift store. Very informational so far, there are a broad spectrum of claims made in this one, if I believe every word, saturating myself with omega 3's wouldn't be a bad thing, and if I had cancer or numerous other disease ranging from psoriasis to glaucoma, it wouldn't be bad either. Crohn's is also mentioned along with IBD and colitis. Immune system disorders in abundance have been eased in studies this book points out. If you really can't find a copy but have to have it, I'll send you mine.